See Your Future Self


Who We Are

AprilAge creates face and body visualization software for health and wellness providers, insurers and employers that need to engage and motivate people to change risky lifestyle behaviors that lead to chronic diseases and high treatment costs.

Our personal visualization solutions are proven to create lasting behavior change and better program adherence by showing the profound effects of risky lifestyle behaviors over time.

Proven Effective


Independent research from leading organizations proves how visualizing facial aging motivates people to change risky lifestyle behaviors. 

Face Aging Software effectiveness

Case Studies

We’re proud of our customers doing very innovative work  to engage and inspire their communities to a healthier future. 


What our customers are saying

"APRIL® Face Aging software is a crowd-pulling prop to inform smokers and non-smokers about the impact of smoking on premature and excessive wrinkling of the skin.  APRIL's magic lies in personalising the message by aging the face of the person sitting in front of you.  It is a great motivational tool and works particularly well with young women. Once people see what it does it always results in a crowd of people gathering round either to be aged or to watch others being aged... it only takes one person in a group of friends to make an impact."


"A pilot test was conducted late last year to test the effectiveness of the APRIL® obesity simulations on people’s attitudes towards obesity prevention in young children…..The results provided…certainly indicate that the photos did have a positive effect on parents, even if it was just to the point of “shocking” them, helping them “see” the “real” effects obesity can have on one’s health, and increasing their awareness about the importance of preventing this chronic and debilitating condition in their children."

CLAIRE ROOCKLEY, PH.D. Psychology Effectiveness of Obesity Simulations and a Fear Message on Parent Attitudes to Childhood Obesity Edith Cowan University, Western Australia

"The APRIL® face aging software reveals profound information about a person in an instant - I call it Memory of the Future. The startling yet delightful effect teaches you more about the meaning of time for a human being than any amount of more technical information."

HOOLEY MCLAUGHLIN, PH.D. Chief Science Officer Vice President, Science Experience Ontario Science Centre, Toronto, Canada

"NIVEA Haus was a huge success in Toronto! We were super pleased with the outcome. The Age Simulator was such a big part of the NIVEA Haus Toronto this year, with a total of 2000 consumers participating in the simulation! The staff were trained extremely well and consumers were completely engaged in the software, how it worked and of course what they were going to look like in the future. It was definitely one of the main attractions! During some of the busier traffic periods there were crowds of people surrounding the machine!"

JESSICA HAWKER Beiersdorf Canada Inc.

"AprilAge always creates a buzz when we take it to schools and community events. Young people care about their appearance and they remember this personal demonstration of how smoking will affect them."

PATRICIA HYSERT, DIRECTOR Task Force for Tobacco-Free Women and Girls, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, USA
