Smoking and Life Expectancy

What are the recent correlation stats?

Smoking cigarettes has proven to be detrimental to one’s health. It has proven to increase the risk of many different health problems. It has also proven to influence worsening and progression in various serious illnesses. However, it is hard to understand just how extensively the adverse effects of smoking can affect one’s life expectancy given that so many individuals differ. Anecdotally, almost everyone knows someone who 'smokes like a chimney' and lives to a ripe old age!

There has long been a claim that every cigarette takes seven minutes off someone’s life. While many convey this as a useful rule-of-thumb, it is not at all possible to work a calculation into consumption.   However, this does not mean that there is no correlation between smoking and life expectancy. Put quite simply, the more someone smokes the shorter their life expectancy will be. The team at Cardiff University have put together this neat estimator, should you like to get an idea of how smoking will affect how old you are likely to live.



The negative effects of Smoking are well-documented, and, put simply, one of the many possible diseases or complications are going to take effect at some point.  if subjects the body to many negative effects that reduce how the body naturally functions on the inside. Some examples include a weakened immune system, lesser blood flow in the bones, lowered bone production, slower healing from fractures and other injuries, increased risk of traumatic injuries such as fractures, weakened rotator cuff, increased risk of overuse injuries, and much more.

Basically, the potential effects on one’s life expectancy fall under one of two categories. The first category consists of a worsening of the amount of wear and tear that the body faces, or at least an increase the chance of worsening to the body. The second category consists of specific medical problems that surface or worsen because of smoking.
The first category can have a gradual effect on one’s life expectancy. You may shed a year or 10 years depending on the severity of your smoking habits, the rest of your lifestyle, and your genetics.

Studies have found that, as you might expect, there is a noticeable difference based on the extent of an individuals smoking. The conclusive finding was that life expectancy was effected less the quicker the smoker quit their habit. For instance, smokers that dropped the habit by the age of 34 were believed to have approximately 10 years of life expectancy more than someone that smoked all their life. A four to six-year greater expectancy was noticed for individuals that quit between 45 and 59 years of age. An increase of nine years was also noticed for individuals that quit between 35 and 44 years of age.

Our predictive aging software serves as a great way to see the differences between smoking and not smoking for as you get older. We providessoftware that allows smokers to see how they will look when they are older if they smoke. The smoking cessation rates of younger people have been proven to work well when Health Providers use our software.