Knowledge Library
Research: Are Aging Biases Among Doctors Disappearing?
Are age biases of doctors disappearing? A University of California study found no significant difference between the intervention and control group based on the repeat Age Implicit Association Test (IAT) scores when compared to the initial Age IAT scores.
UK health psychologists use AprilAge face aging software for smoking cessation
Health psychologist Sarah Grogan, a specialist in body image at Manchester Metropolitan University, uses AprilAge face aging software to determine how appearance might influence our health behaviours.
Thinking about your "future self" has positive impact on present self
How often do you think about your future self? It could make all the difference in how happy and successful you are later in life. You see, one of the biggest factors in making smart decisions is knowing when to pay short-term costs for long-term benefits. It’s about keeping the future in mind.
Feeling younger could mean your brain is aging more slowly
Elderly people who feel younger than their age show fewer signs of brain aging, compared with those who feel their age or older than their age researchers say.
New study finds exercise may be best protection against aging
For a new study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association , researchers found that older people who spent less time sitting and more time moving had fewer signs of encroaching heart disease.
You need to practice being your future self
Sometimes you need to be irresponsible with your current challenges in order to make real progress on your future self. You have to let the present just sit there, untended. It’s not going away and will never end. That’s the nature of the present.
Stanford researcher says we shouldn't start working full-time until we're 40
According to Stanford psychologist Laura Carstensen, full-time work ideally would begin around the age of 40, rather than in our early 20s. Careers would be longer, with a gradual transition to part-time work in the later years before full retirement around age 80.
Could a little young blood reverse the effects of aging?
A discussion with Dr. Thomas Rando, whose pioneering research explores how blood from younger animals can apparently rejuvenate the cells and tissues of older animals. Rando is the head of a laboratory at Stanford University, where he is also the director of the Glenn Center for the Biology of Aging, deputy director of the Stanford Center on Longevity and a professor in the Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences, as well as an AFAR board member and multiple grantee.
Can Imagining Your Future Improve Your Health?
"People who had a sharper image of their future selves kept a healthier lifestyle. Specifically, they got about 30 more minutes of sleep each night, 10 more minutes of exercise each day, and ate 1 more fruit or vegetable." Stanford research by doctoral student Sarah Raposo
How a "Face Aging" project helps people imagine, and relate, to themselves as older
Helping people consider how they will age and the process of aging is being defined by Penn State's "FaceAge" project.