Knowledge Library
Imagining the Future is Just Another Form of Memory
(This article by Julie Beck was originally published in The Atlantic.)
A futuristic rendering of human life off earth, by Rick Guidice in 1975 for...
Why Businesses Need to Plan for Aging Workforce
Leading-edge employers are starting to think about creating alternative career routes for older workers that feature more flexible assignments and schedules, creating opportunities for them to mentor younger workers and offering phased retirement.
Can Imagining Your Future Improve Your Health?
"People who had a sharper image of their future selves kept a healthier lifestyle. Specifically, they got about 30 more minutes of sleep each night, 10 more minutes of exercise each day, and ate 1 more fruit or vegetable." Stanford research by doctoral student Sarah Raposo
Individual Genomic Information Can be Used to Promote a Healthier Lifestyle
Individual genomic information can be used successfully to promote a healthier lifestyle in people at higher risk of developing heart disease.
Face Aging Photos Convince Tanners to Shun the Sun
New research from San Diego State University, using AprilAge's face aging software, finds study participants reduced their tanning sessions and exposure to UV by up to 60 percent after seeing how the sun damaged their face as they got older.
Can lifestyle changes remove plaque in your arteries?
Lifestyle changes, including diet, smoking cessation, stress management and exercise, can decrease the size of atherosclerotic plaques, which is associated with a decreased risk of death from heart disease.
How Appearance-based interventions can reduce UV exposure: British Journal of Health Psychology
Using the APRIL Face-aging software, researchers found that appearance-focused interventions may in some cases be more effective than health -focused interventions in reducing UV exposure, as the underlying motivations for tanning are associated with appearance concerns.
How a "Face Aging" project helps people imagine, and relate, to themselves as older
Helping people consider how they will age and the process of aging is being defined by Penn State's "FaceAge" project.
FDA Offers Vote of Confidence for AI in Healthcare
The US Food and Drug Administration has offered a vote of confidence for artificial intelligence in healthcare, promising more refined strategies for regulation, touting its tech incubator for AI innovation, and announcing a new machine learning partnership with Harvard.
Women In The World Summit Panel Features Ageless Wisdom
The ninth annual Women In The World Summit just wrapped and the "Beat The Clock" panel declared: "It's a F--kin' Gift to be Alive in your 70s"!
WHO recognizes World Health Day - April 7: "Good health is the most precious thing anyone can have"
In recent decades, the world has seen a rise in noncommunicable diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. These diseases now account for 70% of all deaths. So WHO has shifted focus, along with health authorities around the world, to promote healthy eating, physical exercise and regular health checks.
How Coders Are Fighting Bias in Facial Recognition Software
The danger of bias in AI systems is drawing growing attention from both corporate and academic researchers. Machine learning shows promise for diverse uses such as enhancing consumer products and making companies more efficient. But evidence is accumulating that this supposedly smart software can pick up or reinforce social biases.